Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Yuen Long District Councillor Arrested for Alleged Criminal Intimidation

Yuen Long District Councillor Ho Wai-pan has been arrested for allegedly committing "criminal intimidation" for posting the picture of a dagger online on Facebook in March of last year and claiming to travel to Tin Shui Wai to end the forces of street gambling that he alleged were becoming problematic for the community. 

The post stated that Ho would rid the community of criminal activity such as street gambling. Ho allegedly used a photo of a knife to relay the message. In his message he said that property landlords and community stewards ignored the problem and that local police "pretended" to solve the problem. 

This is apparently the heart of the matter that seems to have landed him in trouble. 

The arrest draws attention to current sentiment around publishing information on social media. There is concern in the city that public-facing messages are drawing more scrutiny lately. 

Ho ran for his place on the district council as an Independent, according to government registration data. 

A series of photos related to the alleged criminal intimidation -- courtesy Sing Tao newspaper

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