Friday, July 16, 2021

Cannes Unveils "Surprise" Documentary about Hong Kong Protests Called "Revolution of our Times"

The committee at Cannes Film Festival today announced the entry of a "surprise" documentary "Revolution of Our Times," which documents the 2019 protests against the government there. The documentary was not revealed earlier to protect the Hong Kong filmmaker, Kiwi Chow, who is in hiding. 

Chow's documentary covers a series of protests during what has been called the Anti-Extradition Law Amendment Bill Movement. These 2019-2020 protests were sparked by the Hong Kong government's move to amend extradition laws without the typical legislative consultative process. Hong Kong citizens, worried that the amendments would enable China authorities to transfer people to mainland China without due process, protested in marches that sometimes brought over 2 million people into the streets. 

Attempts to bring documentary attention to this movement have met with censorship and outright bans from the China government. This year's Academy Awards was not shown live in Hong Kong for the first time in its history because of the presence of another documentary about the Hong Kong protests in a list of nominees for Best Documentary. 

Chow's movie will be screened at Cannes on Friday. 

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