Friday, July 16, 2021

UK House of Commons Votes to Boycott 2022 Winter Olympic Games in Beijing

The UK House of Commons has voted unanimously to stage a boycott of the Winter Olympic Games in China next February unless China addresses the "atrocities" taking place in Xinjiang. 

China has for several years denied that it is holding Muslims against their wills in massive internment camps, and more Western Governments are speaking out about the claims of abuse

The legislative motion demands that House of Commons politicians turn down any invitation to the Winter Olympics. The motion also mentions British citizens who have had sanctions put on against them for speaking publicly about the claims of abuse against Muslims by China in Xinjiang. 

Politicians say that China will use the Olympics to push a narrative that it is a liberal and humanitarian nation open to trade and relationships with all, while at the same time pursuing autocratic policies against cities like Hong Kong.

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